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Sai Kung Village House | Property For Sale in Tai Wan大環-Nearby Hong Kong Academy | Property ID:2133

HK$ 7.8M
Net 700 sq. ft.@HK$ 11,143 / sq. ft.
Last Updated 20 Oct 2023
It's completely renovated in 2020, New doors, windows, air conditioners, outside concrete gutters, terrace. All electrical cables, all plumbing, and gas is new. Design kitchen from Denmark, with heeps of space under all tables etc. Kitchen appliances are new with built in fridge and freezer, 3 in 1 oven, dishwasher, 4 plate induction cooker. 3 stage water filtration. The bath has electrical heating in the wall and floor for towels and heat, all windows are double glasses for insulation, all windows have electrical blinds that roll down on the outside for complete darknes and storm protection.
The floors are environmentally friendly bamboo wood. The outer steel kitchen door is new. There's motion sensor over the kitchen door outside so there's light in the alleyway always. The air conditioners are outside the fence, for easy maintenance and no noice, they have pressure indicators on so you always know if the have the right amount of refrigerant.
There's 4 large stainless steel cabinets with sink outside for storage, washing machine, extra fridge, bbq etc. The garden furnitures comes with the apartment.
The shade over the terrace is electrical and can be controlled form the outside switch next to the garden door.
The terrace tiles are granite.
The alleyway is maintained by the council and cleaned every Monday. There are several fruit trees which belongs to the apartment.
The grass area outside the terrace is government land and I maintain it, and I do not pay for it.
There's trails to the mackehose trials right behind the house, kayaks at the beach and busses passing every 10-14 mins.
It's storm safe and very private, the neighbors are all Chinese and very nice, no kids around. Behind the block is a row of nice mixed people, expats and locals. Extra parking spots can be rented from the village chief if another spot is needed~ 1200/month.

平台, 開放式廚房, 實用3房,  近市中心及香港學堂, 交通方便

平台, 开放式厨房, 实用3房, 近市中心及香港学堂, 交通方便___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you looking for your perfect property in Sai Kung, Clearwater Bay or Silverstrand? Be it a house with garden, duplex with roof, a flat, an apartment, sea view, waterfront, mountain view, for sale or lease or rent in Tai Wan 大環, we at Eastmount Property Agency Limited 東豪地產代理有限公司, with over 20 years of property experience in Sai Kung and Clear Water Bay, will help you find your perfect property. Please call us at Tel: 2791 0498 today.

本公司Eastmount Property Agency Limited 東豪地產代理有限公司擁有超過20年物業代理經驗, 專營 Tai Wan 大環, 西貢ˎ 清水灣或銀線灣各區獨立屋ˎ 村屋ˎ 豪宅別墅ˎ 大花園ˎ 海景屋ˎ 海邊屋ˎ 覆式ˎ 商舖等出售或出租物業樓盤ₒ 請隨時致電Tel:27910498與我們聯絡。

本公司Eastmount Property Agency Limited 东豪地产代理有限公司拥有超过20年物业代理经验, 专营 Tai Wan 大环, 西贡ˎ 清水湾或银线湾各区独立屋ˎ 村屋ˎ 豪宅别墅ˎ 大花园ˎ 海景屋ˎ 海边屋ˎ 复式ˎ 商舖等出售或出租物业楼盘ₒ 请随时致电Tel:27910498与我们联络。

Sai Kung Village House | Property For Sale in Tai Wan大環-Nearby Hong Kong Academy | Property ID:2133
Sai Kung

  • SaleHK$ 7.8M
  • Saleable Area700 sq. ft.
  • Efficiency100%
  • Property TypeResidential
  • Floor ZoneWhole Building
  • No of Bedrooms3
  • No of Bathrooms1

Building Info for Tai Wan Village House

Tai Wan Village House
Tai Mong Tsai Road
Sai Kung
Sai Kung
New Territories

  • Property TypeResidential
  • OwnershipMultiple Landlords

Average Listing Price in Sai Kung

    • For Saleable Area
    • HK$ 12,641 / sq. ft.
    • This Property
    • @HK$ 11,143 / sq. ft. is 12% BELOW Average Listing Price in District

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