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  5. Queens Road East

Featured Properties For Rent In Queens Road Eastsee all properties >>

Weswick Commercial Building

HK$ 29,800 / month

GFA 1,260'

Tesbury Centre

HK$ 17,900 / month

GFA 451'

Weswick Commercial Building

HK$ 10,500 / month

GFA 450'

Queen's Centre

HK$ 14,700 / month

GFA 495'

Featured Properties For Sale In Queens Road Eastsee all properties >>

The Avenue Tower 2

HK$ 7.8M

SFA 338'

The Avenue Tower 2

HK$ 12.2M

SFA 532'

The Avenue Tower 3

HK$ 13.5M

SFA 601'

The Avenue Tower 2

HK$ 9.5M

SFA 346'

Properties on Queens Road East (皇后大道東), Wan Chai District, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island